black and white picture of yoga studio in charlotte north carolina

yoga | barre | mat | strength

We believe movement is medicine

And that movement with music is transformative.  Our classes are carefully curated to provide a unique and uplifting experience that leaves you feeling more connected to yourself. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi, a fitness enthusiast, or a curious beginner, we’ve got a class for you.

Through movement, we allow ourselves to transform.

We believe that movement is medicine &
we believe that movement with music is alchemy

a picture of people in a strength class holding a pose on a black mat.

we’re all about movement,

music, and connection

black dumb bells used in a strength class in a fitness studio.

What makes us different?

When you open the doors to our studio, you won’t have to think about what to bring, except yourself. We have your spot saved with a mat, towel, and curate a vibe-y experience that will connect you, back to you.

Everything in our classes from music to lighting to each movement is curated with a specific experience and intention in mind.

You can even pick a class based on where you are in your Cycle (luteal, follicular, etc) or based on the Elements (fire, earth, water, air).

→ Read more about our class descriptions here.

Search classes based on the elements (fire, air, earth, water) or your menstrual phase (follicular, ovulatory, etc) & find your perfect class.

Signature Classes

Yoga Classes

Barre & Mat Classes


  • Just you! We have mats, class equipment, and water for purchase. If you have you’re own mat you’re more than welcome to bring it!

  • All of our classes are done without shoes, if you’d like to wear socks they must be non slip “sticky socks.” We have some for sale at the studio if you’re looking for some!

  • Soul Flow, PSC Flow, PSC Barre, and PSC Mat are great options if you’d like to start with a slow to moderate paced class. However, we design all of our classes for all levels and you are always encouraged to listen to your own body.

    See more class descriptions here.

  • Classes that are hot are noted on the schedule in the class name.

    We do heat the studio for most classes, but unless otherwise noted the studio generally won’t be above ~72 degrees.

  • Unfortunately no, we do not allow children to wait in the lobby or to be in the studio while their parent or guardian is in class.

    Please note, if you bring your child to the studio while you take a class you will be denied entry to the class and asked to leave.

    We do not offer child care. Class is a time for you to unplug and take care of yourself and for our instructors to focus on you.

    Unless otherwise noted, class participants must be 16 years of age or older to participate in class. Participants under the age of 18 will need a legal guardians signature on their waiver.

  • Listening to your body is key!

    Below is an outline of class options based on cycle phases should you wish to cycle sync your workouts, however you know your body best, there are no rules on when you can/can’t take class!

    Please note the below days are based on a 28 day cycle.

    Menstrual (Days 1-5):
    PSC Pause & PSC Soul Flow

    Follicular (Days 6-14):
    PSC Flow, PSC Barre, PSC Mat, PSC Flow Burn, PSC Groove

    Ovulatory (Days 15-17):
    PSC Groove, PSC Movement, PSC Drip & Flow

    Luteal (Days 18-28):
    PSC Barre, PSC Drip & Flow, PSC Flow Burn, PSC Mat, PSC Flow

    View additional class descriptions here.

  • First and foremost we recommend you talk with your health care provider prior to taking class.

    Everybody and every pregnancy is different. If you’re health care provider has cleared you for fitness and movement classes, we’d love to have you!

    Please note we do not advise or recommended anyone pregnant to take hot classes.

  • Yes! Here are out suggestions.

    Earth: PSC Drip & Flow

    Fire: PSC Flow, PSC Flow Burn

    Water: PSC Soul Flow, PSC Pause,

    Air: PSC Barre, PSC Mat, PSC Groove

    View additional class descriptions here.

we move with the music and the music moves us